Why the Uberisation of the multimedia production services is not a threat.
Like any other service providers, the multimedia production sector is experiencing important mutations with the arrivals of new actors. Some companies aim to become the new Uber, by standardizing the production process and eventually, to become essential in the relation between story-tellers and their clients.
In the French photo industry, Meero has clearly shared his views in becoming the main platform which would link clients to photographers. It has been criticized by profession, for creating an unnecessary dependency to an actor driven by its own interest.
- Contrary to many other services, multimedia production service cannot be over-simplified, as it usually consists of multi-layers complex projects.
- Unlike food delivery, multimedia production implies flexibility in the offer, as every client’s projects are different.
- Every shooting is different. Each project has its own constraints, which are identified and rectified all along the production process.
- Every story is different. We put the human at the centre of our work. We focus mainly on projects with high social and environmental impacts.
- Every client is different. We need time to establish trust with our clients as well as with the people we interview.
At the end of the day, our clients work with us as we are driven by putting the human in the centre of our collaboration.
- We carefully listen to their needs when it comes to writing the script of a story.
- We are trained and careful when it comes to working in a volatile context (in the most remote parts of Africa).
- We work with highly skilled experts, aware of the challenges they could face on the field.
- We are efficient when it comes to the final stage of editing and flexible when it comes to making a final touch up.
- We are adaptable when it comes to fit your budget.
- We work hard on creating global satisfaction all along the production process.
- We work to give value to your projects.
Lambert – Founder of Transborder Communication